Saturday, June 11, 2011

The wonderful world of black and white

Sometimes, often for me in fact, I will shoot a photo that is very strong graphically and the color actually takes away from the image or in some way distracts from the point of the photograph.  The black and white image of the ostrich above is a case in point.  On this hot and hazy afternoon at the Memphis zoo, colors were far from saturated.  The bird, basically gray against a shadowy out-of-focus background, was stirring up the dust by flapping her wings. I'm not sure what she was doing although I have seen small birds do something similar to delouse themselves.  The point of the picture was the dust cloud however, and, while it had some backlighting, it did not stand out well from the muted colors around it.  It did not stand out well enough to suit me that is, as I felt it was a strong image and wanted to present it that way.  The answer was to turn it into a black and white.  The viewer could then focus on the light values without being distracted by color that was not all that interesting.

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